The International Biogeography Society is able to support events for 2022 in the following ways:
- Listing of events will be posted on the website
- Advertising of overall activities via twitter (@humboldtday, #humboldtday), facebook (, and email lists
- Support is available for a limited number of events in the form of hosting of webinars, technical support, and general overall organization of events (Contact us for info)
- Humboldt Day lecture certificates can be provided to speakers and local organizers on request, to acknowledge their contributions
The IBS’s support during the inaugural year (2020) also included a limited number of financial grants to local researchers and institutions, website maintenance and updating, and general organization of the week’s events.
Looking to support this endeavor? Consider hosting an event next year and/or consider making a donation (below) or getting involved with the International Biogeography Society for future projects.